National Nutrition Month It’s time to “Put Your Best Fork Forward” to celebrate National Nutrition Month! Every March is a reminder to commit to healthy eating and physical activity. Tips to Try - What can you do to change or improve your habits? Small changes add up over time. Change one habit at a time for long-lasting results. Would you like to lose weight? It’s not a diet....
Happy National Nutrition Month!! National Nutrition Month March is my month to shine, because it’s National Nutrition Month. The theme this year is Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle. If you are already biting healthy, bravo. If not, now is a good time to practice.Set some goals for a healthy lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat fewer calories Choose plenty of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans...
Everyone has unique tastes and habits. For National Nutrition Month this year, why not go global? Fine tune your eating habits to include healthy foods from around the world. To make it easy, use the USDA’s MyPlate as a guide.· Make half the plate fruits and vegetables. For Asian Indian, try fruit chutney; for Middle Eastern, try grilled pineapple (yum); for Latin American, try a mango smoothie or cactus salad, for...