The information on this website and blog is provided by Ruth Frechman, MA, RDN, CPT and is strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to be a diagnosis, treatment or cure of a disease. Medical advice and care is the responsibility of your physician or healthcare provider.
Promotion or endorsements will not be false or misleading. If sponsorship, advertising or compensation is received for any product, it will be clearly disclosed. If payment is received for products, social media hashtags will include #client, #sponsor, #ad or #sample. Gifts, incentives or payment will not affect professional judgment.
If there is an affiliate link (example – Amazon Associates) and you decide to buy something, I may get paid a small commission. It does not cost the consumer anything extra. I only promote products that I believe in. Google AdSense Ads maybe independent of our view.
Blogger’s opinions may not represent Ruth Frechman, The Food Is My Friend Diet, or Gales Publishing