Ruth’s Best Tips for Losing Weight
A little prevention goes a long way. Make Losing Weight Easy
What Are You Doing With Your Leftover Halloween Candy?
Trick or Treat Halloween is over, but the candy may still be lingering in plastic pumpkins, pantry shelves or bedroom drawers. Did you know that an extra 50 calories a day can add an extra five pounds in a year? If each candy is 25-40 calories and you eat 3-5 of them a day, you do the math. It will add unwanted pounds. And what if you are having a...
Are You Ready for Halloween?
Costumes are done. Check. Decorations are up. Check. Candy is bought. Check. Bought more candy, cuz you already ate it. Check. If you already gained weight, here’s a couple of tips for next year: 1) Wait to buy the candy the day before Halloween. Those little Halloween treats are small, but the calories add up after the third or fourth chocolate. 2) Make a rule. Allow yourself one piece a...
The Best Tofu Recipe Ever
Tofu Ratatouille from Plant-Powered For Life Do you feel like you should eat tofu because it’s healthy but don’t know what to do with it? I’m with you. I kept buying tofu. It would get pushed to the back of the refrigerator. Then after 4 or 5 months, I was afraid to eat it and would throw it away. When my registered dietitian nutritionist friend, Sharon Palmer’s new book, Plant-Powered...
For National Nutrition Month 2013, “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day”
Everyone has unique tastes and habits. For National Nutrition Month this year, why not go global? Fine tune your eating habits to include healthy foods from around the world. To make it easy, use the USDA’s MyPlate as a guide.· Make half the plate fruits and vegetables. For Asian Indian, try fruit chutney; for Middle Eastern, try grilled pineapple (yum); for Latin American, try a mango smoothie or cactus salad, for...
What’s a Person to Eat?
Many people are confused about what to eat and how much of it. Check out Day 3 of The Food Is My Friend Diet for the best ways to eat healthy and lose weight.
Move It!
One of the most effective ways to lose weight is to get more physical activity. Check out Day 2 of The Food Is My Friend Diet. This remarkable book contains a 30-day plan to lose weight by making healthy lifestyle changes and conquering emotional eating.
Motivation, Motivation, Motivation
Motivation is the name of the game when it comes to losing weight. Check out Day 1 of The Food Is My Friend Diet. Does pizza, pasta, chips or chocolate ever call you name? The Food Is My Friend Diet was written especially for you. Learn how you can keep your old food friends, make new ones, and melt the pounds away.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight
Now that 2013 is off to a rip-roaring start, continue the momentum. Think of some reasons to help you stay motivated to eat healthy and be active. · Are you tired of taking so many medications? · Are you tired of your thighs rubbing together when you walk? · Do you want to finish a Zumba class without feeling exhausted? · Tired of weighing more than the...