Veggie Healthy Heart Are you taking care of your heart, so that your heart can take care of you? Enjoy the benefits with a handful of healthy habits: Control Blood Pressure 120/80 - Limit sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day Maintain Normal Cholesterol Levels - Decrease saturated fat and increase soluble fiber Be Physically Active Every Day - Your heart is a muscle. Keep it strong. Eat Healthfully ... It's cold outside. You aren't thirsty. How much water should you drink? If you are not thirsty and feel tired, you may be dehydrated. If you have been drinking alcohol, you may also be dehydrated. Alcohol acts as a diuretic. Your body needs constant hydration to maintain proper bodily functions. The amount of fluid depends on your metabolism, the environment and your activity. Luckily, fluids come in many forms....
Thirsty? To lose weight, don't drink your calories.Are you drinking 8 glasses of water a day?The Food Is My Friend Diet by Ruth Frechman - Day 24 Chug-a-Lug Drink Up!Staying hydrated is important. Just being a little dehydrated can make you feel tired. Don't drink your calories. Is eight glasses of water enough? Check out Day 24 of The Food Is My Friend Diet to make sure that you are...