Happy National Nutrition Month!! National Nutrition Month March is my month to shine, because it’s National Nutrition Month. The theme this year is Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle. If you are already biting healthy, bravo. If not, now is a good time to practice.Set some goals for a healthy lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat fewer calories Choose plenty of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans...
Everyone has unique tastes and habits. For National Nutrition Month this year, why not go global? Fine tune your eating habits to include healthy foods from around the world. To make it easy, use the USDA’s MyPlate as a guide.· Make half the plate fruits and vegetables. For Asian Indian, try fruit chutney; for Middle Eastern, try grilled pineapple (yum); for Latin American, try a mango smoothie or cactus salad, for...
Motivation is the name of the game when it comes to losing weight. Check out Day 1 of The Food Is My Friend Diet. Does pizza, pasta, chips or chocolate ever call you name? The Food Is My Friend Diet was written especially for you. Learn how you can keep your old food friends, make new ones, and melt the pounds away.
Dr. Earl Mindell and I compared books at the latest meeting of the Book Publicists of Southern California. It was an honor to meet such an accomplished author. Dr. Mindell is a worldwide best-selling author with over 50 books. Since 1976, The Vitamin Bible has sold 11 million copies and has been translated into 34 languages. Very impressive! Have you ever had your vitamin D checked? Many people don't go out...
Working out with Olympian Lashinda Demus on a beach in Santa Monica was a wonderful experience, besides being great fun. A world record holder in the 400 meter hurdles gave me expert advice on how to run faster! It was awesome. It got me to thinking. Where do you go for nutrition advice? The best place to get nutrition/weight loss advice is from a registered dietitian. We are the experts in the field...