Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 What do you eat? Or better yet, what should you eat? If you are confused, the USDA and the HHS make it a lot easier. Every five years since 1980, they update and release the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are based on the latest science to provide information on a nutritious diet. It all started in 1862, when the USDA was established. They...
Everyone has unique tastes and habits. For National Nutrition Month this year, why not go global? Fine tune your eating habits to include healthy foods from around the world. To make it easy, use the USDA’s MyPlate as a guide.· Make half the plate fruits and vegetables. For Asian Indian, try fruit chutney; for Middle Eastern, try grilled pineapple (yum); for Latin American, try a mango smoothie or cactus salad, for...
Many people are confused about what to eat and how much of it. Check out Day 3 of The Food Is My Friend Diet for the best ways to eat healthy and lose weight.